What is Cod Liver Oil?

What is Cod Liver Oil?

What Is Cod Liver Oil?


The fishy-tasting, orange-colored liquid we call cod liver oil has been around since the Vikings first used it to keep their joints limber and skin supple. It was later introduced to the medical world, where it gained a reputation as a brilliant way to treat rickets due to its high vitamin D content. Today, cod liver oil is considered one of the most common and nutrient-dense supplements on Earth and is enjoyed by people from all walks of life—from competitive athletes looking for an edge in training to parents who want their kids' growing bodies protected from disease.


What is cod liver oil?

As the name suggests, the liver of a cod fish is used to make cod liver oil. Similar to other fish oil, but with the additional vitamin A and vitamin D. These vitamins are what make it so healthy for you, not to mention its omega-3 fatty acids. See our other posts about its numerous benefits.


Cod liver oil is a rich food source of omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which has many health benefits.

Cod liver oil is a rich food source of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which has many health benefits.

EPA and DHA are types of omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and improve heart health. They also can support brain health, eye health and fetal development.


How to choose a good cod liver oil product

There are a few things you should look for when choosing a good cod liver oil product. First, make sure it's sustainably sourced and wild caught. Many of the fish oils on the market come from farmed fish that have been fed grain and cornmeal, which is an unnatural diet for them. Farmed fish are also more likely to be contaminated with mercury and other toxins from runoff into oceans and waterways.

Second, look for the levels of vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A and D has been shown to help prevent a variety of symptoms and support health – such as improving your immune system function, support eye health, better bone density, maintenance, and growth, and much more! However, there is one potential adverse effect associated with Vitamin A – and that is too much vitamin A. While it is good, too much of anything can be bad for you. Too much vitamin A can lead to vitamin A toxicity or hypervitaminosis A, which can cause nausea, weight loss, dry hair, AND inflammation of eyes, among others. Just be sure not to take other Vitamin A supplements or food with high Vitamin A along with cod liver oil that has high vitamin A content. The Recommended Dietary Allowance for adults 19 years and older is 900 mcg RAE for men (equivalent to 3,000 IU) and 700 mcg RAE for women (equivalent to 2,333 IU).


Tips for using cod liver oil.

The best time to take cod liver oil is with a meal, because it helps the body absorb nutrients better. It's also important to have fat in your meal, because that's the way your body absorbs vitamins A and D from the cod liver oil.


Who should avoid taking cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil should not be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Children under the age of 12 should also avoid cod liver oil, as well as those with a fish allergy or high levels of vitamin A intake.

People with a history of osteoporosis or vitamin A toxicity may also want to avoid taking cod liver oil. Always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.



Cod liver oil is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. It’s rich in vitamins A and D, as well as omega-3 fats called EPA and DHA. These nutrients are important for many functions in your body, from building strong bones to keeping inflammation under control. The best thing about cod liver oil is the multiple source of nutrients in one go!. And with Maris Cod Liver Oil, you can rest assured they’re of the premium quality, no fishy aftertaste, sustainably sourced and wild caught from the ocean. They are easy to take with just 1 softgel capsule a day!